Saturday, April 19, 2014

SAS Request

Students, please respond to Amy's April 17 post about the exhibit.


  1. The anthro dept always schedules these sorts of things for when I'm in class (same with those brown bag lunches).

  2. It's the student club, not "us" (i.e. the Department). You guys should all join the SAS, join the FB group, run for office for next year, etc. The issue of scheduling around classes is always a tough one, but they hosted an amazingly nice conference on a Friday afternoon/evening this year and there will be a picnic on May 9th.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like your blogger icon, Seya...a cone from the P. Bearsdleyii.

  5. Amendment: the SAS always schedules these sorts of things for when I'm in class. :)

    (Re: icon. Thank you. P. bearsdleyi was one of my favorite parts of the research process.)

  6. Haha. Neither of us is managing to spell it correctly in our comments (I know it is correct in the exhibit). I deleted my first comment for this reason and STILL got it wrong. Okay, 3rd time is the charm: " P. beardsleyii."

  7. I find this more amusing than it reasonably should be.
    [Actually it appears 'beardsleyi' is the more common occurrence of the spelling--look, I managed not to put 'bears' in the word this time. I guess the terminal -y is cause for dropping the first 'i'; similar case with P. jeffreyi]
